![]() Gonna keep things short and sweet this week because we're on our annual "ski" trip. I want to get back to building a jigsaw puzzle while eating cheese and drinking champagne.
![]() Happy Valentine's Day! We treat this more like a throwaway holiday instead of a big event, but I love that there is a day dedicated to celebrating love. So here are some things I loved this week!
![]() Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff: Declutter, Downsize, and Move Forward with Your Life Matt Paxton I'm in the waning pages of this one. It gets quite practical at the end - I'm talking bullet points, checklists, and specific vendor/supply recommendations. Again, this is more for an older audience. *Books shared here are affiliate links for Bookshop.org ![]() Kiddo has a snow day today. We, sadly, were not able to get her into her usual art camp. I tried to get a spot as soon as the link opened but it sold out in seconds. So, she's at home today getting lots of tablet time while her dad and I work. At least she got a short sledding session in first thing in the morning. We might try to sneak in another run in the afternoon if it doesn't rain. Here's what I'm working on:
![]() There is a plant in our bedroom that might be on its last legs. The plant is an ardisia and I've owned it since 2006. It was the first plant I purchased after college. Back then, it was a wee little thing about 6 inches tall. I put it in a cute white ceramic planter and stuck it on a bookcase in front of a window. It was happy. Over the next few year it grew - slowly, but surely adding inches. After 3 years, the plant suddenly flowered. Then there were red berries. By the time I moved out of this apartment, it was almost 4 feet tall. In my next apartment, the sunlight situation was not so kind. My now husband and I propped it under a grow light in the corner of our living room. It continued to slowly grow both upwards and outwards. A few years later, we moved into yet another apartment. This one came with HUGE windows that let in lots of light. The plant loved it. It grew so abundantly that we had to rein it in with kitchen twine. It was so dense and bushy we had to rotate it every few weeks to even out the new growth. We went through several flower and berry cycles. On occasion, we would rattle it to let the dead foliage fall. By the time we moved out of the apartment and into our condo, the plant stood well over 6 feet tall. Despite the fact that we put this plant in a bigger pot in a relatively sunny corner in our home, it's not doing so well. The sunlight, while available most of the day is more indirect. The first few months here, the plant dropped three-quarters of its leaves and branches. Today, it's still tall but we're down to three main scraggly branches with just a few clumps of leaves on the ends. Despite proper watering and fertilizing, I'm not sure it will make it. More side branches are dying and dropping off. But, I haven't lost all hope. At the bottom, there is one baby branch, reminiscent of when I first purchased it, growing upwards.
![]() After many days of gray, the sun is finally out. It's a little thing but in the current environment, those glittering rays of warmth mean a lot. Here's what else is making me smile:
I read a lot of books with my kiddo. Kid Reads is a biweekly look at what we've enjoyed recently.
*Books shared here are affiliate links for Bookshop.org
![]() For the past two weeks, a group of HVAC guys have been moving through the library space "balancing" the system. This is good because my office would hit 84 degrees if I kept my door closed. I have no idea what they are doing, but it's fascinating to see their tools and systems at work. Here's what I've been focusing on:
Romance, YA, and pretty pictures are what is going to get my through the coming years. You can see my complete TBR list on Pinterest.
*Items featured here are Bookshop.org affiliate link ![]() This week, as I climbed into an exhibit display case, I realized this was an "other duties as assigned" task. Almost every library position description has "other duties as assigned" listed at the bottom. Generally, this is code for "you might be cleaning things you don't want to clean." It's added to fill in the gaps for all of the library tasks that need to get done but aren't really "official" bits of library work. It's also there to provide flexibility since what libraries are asked to do change all the time. While most people hate this line on their position description, I once argued that it could be turned into a chance for skill development and position growth. (If you're interested in that, check out my presentation slides.) But my exhibit case cleaning work got me thinking about the other random tasks I do. For example:
What are your "other duties as assigned"?