The best part about having your own blog is that you get to make the rules.
After my vacation last week, I realized that I did not miss writing this weekly post. Since I'm trying to Marie Kondo my life better (and remove things that don't spark joy), I've decided to end this feature. I'll come up with something else to post on Fridays but the topic/theme is TBD.
Here's what I looked up this week:
I had no meetings this week. I thought that would be awesome, but it turns out that it made the week feel oddly slow. Also, I miss talking to people who are not my husband or kiddo.
Here's what I looked up this week.
*Googles* "How long will this glorious weather last?"
*Answer* You live in DC and it's July. *sigh* Here's what else I looked up this week:
I was in a meeting this week where we ended up discussing "learning how to learn." It's a meta-topic but so very important. I'm always amazed by how I random learn things when looking up other things. Those accidental lessons are so important.
Here's what I looked up (and learned) this week:
We've had a small leak in our toilet for a few weeks now. Nothing major, just random trails of water out of the base that occur sporadically and without any pattern. We both knew all we probably needed was a new wax ring, but neither of us is comfortable with plumbing. Somehow, I managed to avoid a Google rabbit hole looking for possible causes. That likely saved me a lot of stress. Today, we had it fixed by a professional. His solution - a new wax (well, rubber) ring. I'm just glad it's fixed.
Here is what I looked up this week:
DC was walloped with a series of bad thunderstorms last night. We even went through a tornado warning which is a rare event for this area. I spent a lot of the evening watching radar and looking at photos of the aftermath. Twitter is a remarkable tool for local information.
Here's what else I looked up this week.
I'm reading an autobiography for work right now - it's our common read for the upcoming year - and it chronicles a basketball coach. I am not a basketball watcher. This book has a lot of basketball terms. A lot. Thank goodness for Google and YouTube. It's helping my understand things like "full court press."
Here's what else I looked up this week.
I was ecstatic when apps that could tell you what you were listening to came along. Now someone needs to invent something similar, but for actors in shows you're watching. I spend far too much time looking up people through IMDB. That works, but it only goes so far for bit parts.
Aside from lots of people in Doctor Who, I only looked up the phrase "old hat." I was interested in the etymology of the word. Every week, I go through our Alexa activity to see what questions I asked. This is also a reminder that we listen to "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Baby Shark" approximately a thousand times a day. I fear for the day our kiddo's language skills are good enough that she can ask for songs on her own. Going to need to find those parental controls...
Here's what I found myself looking up this week.