I like checking things off my to do list. Part of the reason I use a bullet journal is because I take such satisfaction in putting a little "x" next to the things I finish. We have a white board on our fridge for the priority things we want to get down around our house. There is one task that has been on there for weeks now - changing out the living room pillow covers. It's not hard. All I want to do is remove the outer "winter" covers to show the interior "summer" covers. But I can't seem to make myself do it. When I remove the outer covers, it leaves a snow shower of felt and other puffy stuff behind. I usually do this task over the tub where I can handyvac out the worst of the mess and wash the rest into our drain trap. All together, this is a 10 minute task. Just 10 minutes... and it has been languishing on the fridge list for weeks. I keep telling myself that I will get around to it, but I just don't want to deal with the mess. Maybe I'll get around to it this week. Maybe. What little thing have you been putting off?
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